Philippines-Canada Partnership on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Adaptation (PCP4NbS)

The Philippines-Canada Partnership on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Adaptation (PCP4NbS) seeks to enhance the climate resilience of communities, empower women, and ensure that the strategies implemented benefit natural resources and promote healthy ecosystems.
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Nature-based Solutions or NbS are widely recognized as cost-effective actions that protect, restore, and sustainably manage natural and modified ecosystems to address societal challenges – such as climate change, food and water security, and disaster risk reduction.

(PHP 332M)

Committed by The Government of Canada for program implementation from 2024 to 2028
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6 priority areas

with rich biodiversity and high climate vulnerability
Explore the interactive map

Watch the explainer

Together, we C.A.N.

Conserve and restore our biodiversity

Adapt to our changing climate

Nurture & enable women to lead and participate

Have a project in mind?

Program Updates

Forest Foundation Philippines partners with Negros Occidental and the Northern Negros Natural Park (NNNP) for the conservation of forests and biodiversity through nature-based solutions

Ms. Catherine Balasa (DENR-PENRO); Engr. Joan Nathaniel Gerangaya (PENRO and NNNP Superintendent), with Atty. Jose Andres Canivel (Forest Foundation Philippines), Ms. Lisa Paguntalan, (PhilBio); and Hon. David Hartman (Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines) signed two MOUs with Negros Occidental and NNNP on November 6, 2024.

Stakeholders in Negros Occidental during the Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by Bayi

The GBA+ in all sites is being done by PCP4NbS partner Bayi, as part of the program’s baseline assessments, to identify key socio-cultural and economic issues being experienced by relevant stakeholders of all genders in the priority areas. Together with the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, insights from the GBA+ inform the request for proposals for NbS projects to help reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to climate change impacts for communities.

Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA) co-development workshop in Malogo River Watershed with the program’s partner, the University of the Philippines Los Baños Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management

The VRAs involve workshops with target stakeholders in the sites, to identify priority issues that need to be addressed by nature-based solutions projects, through site-based grants.

Forest Foundation Philippines and the Government of Canada launched its Site-Based Grants in Negros Occidental as part of the Philippines-Canada Partnership on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Adaptation

Civil society organizations, peoples organizations and non-government organizations came together last November 6, 2024, to envision priority sites in Negros Occidental – Malogo and Sicaba River Watersheds – supported by communities that adopt gender-responsive NbS for climate adaptation.

Listen to our six-part mini series on nature-based solutions, in collaboration with PumaPodcast.

Building Resilient Communities and Ecosystems for a Thriving Future

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6 Priority Areas

Initially identified, focusing on areas with rich biodiversity and high climate vulnerability

The Philippines-Canada Partnership on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Adaptation (PCP4NbS) seeks to enhance the climate resilience of communities, empower women, and ensure that the strategies implemented benefit natural resources and promote healthy ecosystems.

Watch the explainerApply for a Grant

The Philippines-Canada Partnership on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Adaptation (PCP4NbS) seeks to enhance the climate resilience of communities, empower women, and ensure that the strategies implemented benefit natural resources and promote healthy ecosystems.

CA$8 million
(PhP 332 million)

Committed by The Government of Canada for program implementation from 2024 to 2028

Learn more about PCP4NbS!

Download Program Briefer

Together, We C.A.N.

Conserve our ecosystem’s biodiversity

Adapt to our changing climate

Enable women to lead and participate

Have a project in mind?

Thematic grants are open to NbS projects located in areas and sites in the Philippines with rich biodiversity and high climate vulnerability, which seek to respond to climate change impacts, address societal challenges, provide biodiversity co-benefits, and promote gender equality in natural-resource management.

Each proposal for a thematic grant shall be between Php 1 Million and PhP 4 Million, with an implementation period of two-and-a-half (2.5) years starting in April 2025 onwards.

Thematic grants shall support projects that demonstrate NbS for climate adaptation through interventions such as integrated risk management, ecosystem restoration, and biodiversity conservation.

These activities shall promote disaster risk reduction, participatory protection, management, and enhancement of forests and coastal and/or marine ecosystems that provide multiple products and services, and may include, but are not limited to:

  • Water regulation and soil protection;
  • Protection from hazards such as fire, strong winds and waves;
  • Livelihood diversification;
  • Enhancement of agrifood systems; and
  • Regulation of temperature and water in urban areas.

Thematic grants will be open to all interested eligible proponents in any part of the Philippines. Entities eligible to receive funds under the Program include:

  • Non-government organizations (NGOs) active in the Philippines involved in environmental conservation, development, education, scientific research, ecosystems management, gender equality, and/or other related fields. NGOs refer to non-government organizations duly registered under Philippines laws;
  • Organized and recognized community-based organizations, people’s organizations (POs), indigenous peoples’ organizations (IPOs), and/or women’s rights organizations (WROs) who work in the environment and/or development field; and
  • Other appropriate local or regional entities active in the Philippines.

To apply, eligible organizations shall complete and submit the following requirements:

  • Full Proposal
  • Annex A: Timeframe and Budgetary Requirements
  • Annex B: Activity and Budget Plan
  • Annex C: Proponent Information Sheet

The full proposal and other templates may be downloaded from the Grants Portal and/or requested by sending an email to

Completed project proposals shall be uploaded and submitted through the Grants Portal on or before 5:00 pm (Philippine Time) on November 29, 2024.

The full proposal and other templates may be downloaded from the Grants Portal on the Forest Foundation website, downloaded at this link, and/or requested by sending an email to

Proposals shall be evaluated in a holistic manner, according to: (a) general criteria on soundness, feasibility, and alignment with the Program’s Logic Model (see Figure 1); (b) NbS-specific criteria; and (c) other criteria in support of NbS.

The proposal must meet the following general criteria:

  • Technical soundness and feasibility;
  • Financial soundness and feasibility;
  • Social soundness and feasibility;
  • Organizational capacity to implement the project;
  • Clear outcomes and results with high likelihood of achievement (feasible and attainable given the budget and duration); and
  • Alignment of the expected results (outputs and outcomes) with the Program’s Logic Model (see Figure 1).

The proposal must also demonstrate that the project is a nature-based solution, responding to the following questions: Does the project...

  • Address local climate change adaptation needs?
  • Work on restoring, managing, and/or conserving ecosystems or ecosystem services?
  • Aim to solve a societal challenge, beyond purely conservation issues?
  • Provide biodiversity co-benefits?
  • Promote gender equality in its design and implementation?

The proposal may be strengthened by responding to the following questions, demonstrating actions in support of NbS. These are optional. Does the project...

  • Support development of gender-responsive community enterprises and sustainable livelihoods, consistent with the manner of protecting biodiversity?
  • Contribute to strengthening organizations and promote cross-sectoral partnerships?
  • Contribute to community and gender empowerment in the area?
  • Support transdisciplinary knowledge sharing, strategic communications and/or learning mechanisms and processes towards building capacities on NbS towards transformative change?
  • Target other NbS criteria under the IUCN Global Standard for NbS?